Thursday, August 30, 2012

I just watched a video of a woman scratching her private part in the MRT and I was honestly disgusted. Not disgusted by the woman, but the person that filmed the woman. Who in the RIGHT MIND will scratch their private part knowing that its inappropriate? Obviously the woman has mental illness that renders her unable to make the right judgement. Shame on the videographer, his lack of empathy towards the less-than-perfect people. He may treat it as a joke, he may gain popularity as more people viewed the video. He's doing all these at the expense of the woman. We should always try to put ourselves in other's shoe, treat people like how you want to be treated. I'm truly disgusted and all I wish for is for him to be punished severely, and serves as a reminder for the society to be more sensitive towards the less-than-perfect people.

I talked to some of my classmates today and they mentioned about writing the School Graduation Certificate(SGC) for one another in the class. They said that they were quite worried about me. I was supposed to write for Dhivya. They were afraid that I might write negative things about her and her SGC might be tarnished. Yes I don't like the way she behaves, but I'm not going to go to the extent of tarnishing her SGC. She may be disrespectful to the teachers in class, she may be inconsiderate for the classes next door. However, I believe that at some point in her life, she will realize her mistakes and change for the better. Everyone deserves the opportunity to do that. Its gonna be unfair for her to receive a SGC that will follow her till death, with her past records reflected black and white on a piece of paper. What goes around, comes around. As much as I want to receive a second chance to right the wrongs, I'm willing to do the same for the others. 

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