Monday, August 27, 2012

Horn section 2008/09

I just got to know that Jian He (the guy in blue) has got a sister in SRJC, which was pretty mind-blowing considering that I've seen her a few times already. When i got home, I browsed through the photos on 2010 countdown. Its the day I spent with my little juniors at Jian He's house for BBQ. It was a great session, I talked to them regarding band and how much I disliked the system in my secondary school band. We also did a bit of gossiping hehehe. Yes I really miss my little children. During my time as a Section leader, I was the strictest among all and my instructor often praise our section for learning the songs the fastest! Although I was strict, I strike a balance with them. During sectionals we would enjoy ourselves and sectionals will always be the time when we look forward to. The days spent with them were priceless and I wish I could relive them. Cloey left the band as soon as I stepped down from band. I was devastated. It seems like our section has broken up. I didn't stop her from quitting band. I didn't wanna be so selfish. She went into dance and she was happy with it, I'm happy for her too. Desmond is the approachable guy, often asking me random questions that freaks me out! He was the closest to me among the 3 of them. Jian He is the cranky guy, some say he looks like me!  

 BBQ at Jian He's house.
 We are a bunch of cam-whores.
 We were mimicking someone that we gossiped about :)
 Jian He's little sister kept chasing after Desmond! 
 Lady Gaga!
 The horn family: Jian He, Desmond, Khalissa, Siti, Cloey, Angeline.
At the parade! [yes i clipped up my hair]

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